b'FELLOWSHIPWe have identified the authentic relationships of our community of faith as a core value that we hold tightly, as expressed in the way we love one another and welcome visitors. Many who are new to First Baptist remark how quickly they have found our church a place of acceptance, encouragement, and incorporation into the community. InadditiontoBiblestudyclassesandprayer groups, special events also bring us together, such as Roundup Sunday followed by a barbecue lunch, the childrens Pancake Supper, and FBC Night at the Zoo. Trunk or Treat and Vacation Bible School engage our congregation with our community every year.InsummerthereareWednesdayevening fellowships in the Family Life Center or on the lawn with homemade ice cream or watermelon. Serviceisanothermannerinwhichfellowship grows.Forexample,ministrygroupslikeHealing Hearts allow team members to deepen relationships by serving those in nursing facilities or the homebound. Volunteers in the City Light ministry work side by side serving food to the needy in our community. Teams travel together delivering groceries through Abilene Social Ministries, cooperating with members of other churches in the Abilene Baptist Association. Additionally, the congregation is blessed to fellowship with members of the other downtown churches during Holy Week luncheons.NURTUREPastoral care and intercession are foundational to life in Christ, and we recognize the importance of prayer for personal spiritual formation. As we pray for one another, for our church and staff, the bereaved, or the sick, we grow closer to the source of our strength, Jesus Christ. Through prayer we are empowered to comfort, show compassion, and be priests to one another. During worship, prayer is integral to the service, and a deacon is scheduled to pray throughout each service in the prayer room. The PrayerWorks ministry prays daily in the prayer room, and multiple morning prayer groups intercede weekly.Our pastors provide personal care for our congregants and the community beyond, and lay leaders initiate pastoral care for those in need in their relational circles. The Ministry of Counseling and Enrichment provides professional care for interested members of the congregation and community. In all things our love for one another is the source of our nurturing ministry at First Baptist.26'